Kode Jurnal : JPSIE-0006
Kategori : Psikologi
Jumlah Halaman : 18
Harga : Rp 0,-
1 . The response of male schizophrenic patients to a therapeutic group setting is reported. Two groups were observed ; in Group I the schizophrenics equalled, in Group II they outnumbered the other participants.
2. Group II was disrupted by strong feelings of hostility which were directed against one of the attending schizophrenics ; the group eventually broke into two unequal parts when all the other schizophrenic patients insisted on being seen as a separate group.
3. Inter-personal relations in a group can be multilateral. The span of awareness for multilateral contacts seems to be limited, however ; if they are too numerous the idea of a group configuration replaces the awareness of distinct personalities.
4. The emotional response aroused through inter-personal relations in a group appears to be of the same character as in individual psychotherapy.
5. There is, however, the difference that a group setting offers a feeling of greater social security and emotional support than individual interviews to tongue-tied patients, and particularly to schizophrenics.
6. The risk that patients, and especially schizophrenics, may “ act out” emotional difficulties seems to be greater in group than in individual treatment.
7. The emergence of dominant personalities seems to be a general characteristic of groups with a common purpose. Some of the factors which may lead to dominance have been tentatively considered. Dominance in human groups may have a pathological origin.
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